The TNOs-are-Cool project: selected outreach activities, newspaper articles, press releases, public articles.
Selected Talks:
Selected Talks:
- HERSCHEL "TNOs are Cool" First Results (presentation by Thomas Müller), Herschel Science Demonstration Phase Initial Results Presentations, 17-18 December 2009, Boadilla del Monte, Spain
- TNOs are Cool: A Survey of the Transneptunian Region (presentation by Thomas Müller), Herschel First Results Symposium - ESLAB 2010, ESTEC, Noordwijk, NL, 4-7 May 2010
- Observing our Solar System with the eyes of Herschel (presentation by Miriam Rengel), Les Jeudis Des Sciences Colloquium Generale, Les Astronomes Amateurs du Luxemburg, 25/Nov/2010
- El telescopio Herschel 've' la formación de las primeras galaxias. El Mundo, Spain, 17/Dec/2009.
- Riesenauge fürs Infrarote. Mainpost, 9/May/2009.
- Herschel mira al pasado. Granada Hoy, Spain, 18-Feb-2009.
- The 'eyes' of Herschel will survey the Trans-Neptunian Region. Division for Planetary Sciences, American Astronomical Society. October, 2009.
- ESA to launch two large observatories to look deep into space and time. ESA 7/May/2009.
- Blick ins verborgene Universum. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, SP/2009 (80). 4 May 2009.
- Blick in die Kinderstube der Sterne. MPE Pressemitteilung vom 04. Mai 2009.
- Hot and Cold: Dwarf Planet Makemake Could Have Extreme Temperatures Side by Side. Scientific American, October 6, 2011.
- The Revelations of Planets' Shadows. Science NOW, 5 October 2011.
- 'Eyes' of Herschel survey enigmatic region beyond Neptune. EGU, GeoQ Newsletter Issue 3, September 2012
- First Science Results from Herschel. UK Herschel Outreach Site, 18/Dec/2009
- Impressive initial results from Herschel on the Solar System Research. MPS Notice, 13 Jan 2010.
- SPIRE image of the dwarf planet Makemake. ESA, Science-e, 22/Dec/2009.
- Los ojos de Herschel apuntarán a la poco conocida región transneptuniana. NOTICIAS, Axxón, Ciencia Ficción en Bits, 10/Oct/2009.
- 'Eyes' of Herschel Will Survey Trans-Neptunian Region. SPACE DAILY, October 09, 2009.
- Planck and Herschel Exclusive Interviews. Astronomy Now Online, 20/Mar/2009.
- Planck and Herschel Exclusive Interviews: Thomas Mueller. Astronomy Now Online, 20/Mar/2009.