Thermal Models for Planetary Science III, Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, Feb 2019

In February 2019, we organized the TherMoPS (Thermal Models for Planetary Science) III workshop at the Academy of Sciences in Budapest, Hungary. TherMoPS III was following up on TherMoPS I (Beaulieu sur Mer, France, Sep 15-17, 2008) and TherMoPS II (Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, Jun 3-5, 2015).


Our workshop was very well attended with about 65 participants from all over the world, including experts from NASA, ESA, DLR, and JAXA. During the 3-day meeting, we had oral and poster sessions on the following topics: Thermal models I+II; Asteroids; Centaurs, TNOs and icy bodies; Thermal in- situ measurements I+II; Laboratory, input data, calibration; Survey results I+II; The Moon; Satellites, Rings & Mercury; followed by discussions sessions on each topic. The SBNAF team organized the workshop and presented the project results, tools, services and several interesting science cases. One of the highlights of the workshop was the first Hayabusa2 touchdown on Ryugu which happened during the workshop. First images and results were shown directly after the event by three Japanese workshop participants from JAXA. All workshop abstracts and many talks and posters are available from the TherMoPS III workshop page.