Conference & Workshop contributions
Our SBNAF project and the results of our work are presented in many
conferences and workshops. Here is a list of public SBNAF contributions
(with abstracts also available on ADS):
2020: DPS-EPSC Joint Meeting 2016,
Pasadena, CA, United States, 16-21 October 2016
41st Scientific Assembly of the Committee on Space Research,
COSPAR 2016, Istanbul, Turkey, 30 Jul - 7 Aug 2016
The 4th Workshop on Binaries in the Solar System, Prague, Czech Republic, 2016 June 21-23
- Asteroids, Comets and Meteors (ACM 2020) Conference, 14–19 June 2020, Flagstaff, USA
- Ground and Space Observatories: A Joint Venture to Planetary Sciences (PLANETS2020), Mar 2-6, 2020, Santiago, Chile
- EPSC 2020, 27 Sep to 2 Oct 2020, Granada, Spain
- DPS/EPSC 2019, 15-20 September 2019, Geneva, Switzerland
- The Search for Gaseous H2O on Asteroids (24) Themis and (65) Cybele, O'Rourke et al.
- Studying Centaur and Trans-Neptunian objects using stellar occultation: precise astrometric positions, Luane Rommel et al.
- Modelling asteroids using lightcurve and adaptive-optics data with SAGE method, Dudziński et al.
- Pluto's ephemeris from stellar occultations, Desmars et al.
- Haumea cluster versus Haumea family, Ortiz et al.
- GAVIP-GridComputing, Bartczak et al.
- Thermophysical modelling of Ryugu: pre-mission and approach-phase observations, Müller et al.
- Investigating V-type asteroids outside Vesta family, Marciniak et al.
- 'Small Bodies: Near and Far' database for thermal infrared observations of Solar System small bodies, Szakáts et al.
- The stellar occultation by the TNO (174567) Varda of September 10, 2018: size, shape and atmospheric constraints, Braga-Ribas et al.
- New census of Hilda, Jovian Trojan, Centaur and transneptunian object light curves from K2 measurements, Kiss et al.
- The multi-chord stellar occultation by the Transneptunian object (38628) Huya on March 18th 2019, Santos-Sanz et al.
- Three Stellar Occultations by the Plutino Object (84922) 2003 VS2, Benedetti-Rossi et al.
- Triton's temperature profile and time evolution from the October 5th 2017 stellar occultation, Marques Oliveira et al.
- Thermal inertia of asteroid Ryugu using dawn-side thermal images by TIR on Hayabusa2, Okada et al.
- Makemake's thermal emission reconsidered, Farkas-Takacs et al.
- The Main Belt: A Gateway to the Formation and Early Evolution of the Solar System Workshop, Sardinia, Italy, June 4-7, 2019 (link)
- Exploring the Infrared Universe: The Promise of SPICA, Crete, Greece, 20-23 May 2019
- TherMoPS (Thermal Models for Planetary Science) III, Budapest, Hungary, Feb 20 (Wed) - Feb 22 (Fri), 2019 following up on TherMoPS I (Beaulieu sur Mer, France, Sep 15-17, 2008) and TherMoPS II (Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, Jun 3-5, 2015); organized by the SBNAF-team
- DPS 2018, Oct 21-26, 2018, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
- SBNAF team at DPS (jpg)
- Thermal properties of large main belt asteroids derived from Herschel PACS data, Alí-Lagoa et al.
- Volume uncertainty assessment method of asteroid models from disk-integrated visual photometry, Bartczak et al.
- Star occultations by asteroids, Dudziński et al.
- Physical properties of trans-Neptunian objects and centaurs, Fernández-Valenzuela et al.
- The mass and density of the dwarf planet 2007 OR10, Kiss et al.
- K2 light curves of eight Centaurs, Marton et al.
- Thermal Infrared Observations of C-type Asteroid 162173 Ryugu by Hayabsua2, Okada et al.
- The Mass, Density, and Figure of the Kuiper Belt Dwarf Planet Makemake, Parker et al.
- International Astronautical Congress, Oct 1 - 5, 2018, Bremen, Germany (including events related to the MASCOT landing, Hayabusa2 mission)
- EPSC 2018, Sep 16-21, 2018, TU Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Organisation of a full session on "Small bodies from near and Far" with 7 oral and 4 poster contributions
- Astrometry and photometry of TNOs and asteroids using Gaia DR2, Duffard et al.
- Small Bodies Near and Far (SBNAF): Challenges in the Physical and Thermal Characterization of NEOs, MBAs and TNOs, Müller et al.
- An extensive photometric study of the dwarf planet Makemake, Hromakina et al.
- Thermal properties of slowly rotating asteroids, Marciniak et al.
- Asteroid spin properties derived from thermal data, Müller et al.
- The stellar occultation by the Transneptunian Object 2002TC302 on January 28th 2018. Preliminary results., Ortiz et al.
- Mapping Trojan Asteroids in the thermal infrared with TROTIS, Helbert et al.
- XXXth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Vienna, August 20-31, 2018
- Near-Earth Asteroids: Properties, Detection, Impacts and Protecting Earth, Garching/Munich, Germany, May 14 - Jun 8, 2018
- TNO/KBO workshop "The Trans-Neptunian Solar System" , Mar 26-29, 2018, Coimbra, Portugal (link)
- The iciest dwarf planet? (Cs. Kiss et al.)
- "TNOs are Cool": Herschel Survey of the Trans-Neptunian Population (T. Müller et al.)
- Interpretation of Haumea's thermal emission in the light of the occultation results (T. Müller et al.)
- Compositional study of TNOs beyond 2.2 μm in preparation for the JWST (E. Fernández-Valenzuela et al.)
- Thermal properties of bright Transneptunians and Centaurs from PACS and SPIRE observations at 70-500 micron with HERSCHEL (S. Fornasier et al.)
- Transneptunian objects at thermal wavelengths: thermophysical and emissivity properties (E. Lellouch et al.)
- Kepler-K2/Herschel Centaurs (G. Marton et al.)
- Physical properties of the Haumea family observed at far-infrared wavelengths (E. Vilenius et al.)
- Varuna: a multi-wavelength portrait of this intriguing object (R. Duffard et al.)
- 49th Annual Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting, 15-20 October 2017, Provo, Utah
- The stellar occultation by the dwarf planet Haumea (PSS; talk)
- Dynamics of rings around elongated bodies (PSS, JLO, RD contribution; talk)
- Absolute colors and phase coefficients of Trans-Neptunian objects: HV - HR colors (JLO,RD,EFV,PSS,NM contribution; poster)
- The thermal emission of Centaurs and Trans-Neptunian objects at submm wavelengths from ALMA observations (TM,PSS contribution; poster)
- Spatially resolved thermal emission of the Eris-Dysnomia system (CK; talk)
- Search for signatures of extended emission around dwarf planets on Hubble Space Telescope archival images (GM; poster)
- 12th European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC), 17-22 September 2017, Riga, Latvia
- Session SB12: Small Bodies Near and Far; Convener: T. Müller; Co-convener: P. Santos-Sanz
- The 2017 January 21st multi-chord stellar occultation by the dwarf planet Haumea. Preliminary results (JLO/PSS; talk)
- Physical characterization of Kuiper belt objects from stellar occultations and thermal measurements (PSS; keynote talk)
- Herschel-PACS high-precision FIR fluxes of NEAs and MBAs (TM; talk)
- Small Bodies Near and Far (SBNAF): Characterization of asteroids and TNOs (TM; poster)
- Thermal emission of the Eris-Dysnomia system (CK; talk)
- K2 and Herschel/PACS light curve of the Centaur 2060 Chiron (GM; poster)
- Serendipitous observations of asteroids in Herschel PACS and SPIRE maps (RS; talk)
- Asteroid phase-curves from Gaia-calibrated data (DO; talk)
- Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2017,
Montevideo, Uruguay, April 10-14, 2017
- Physical properties of TNOs and Centaurs from stellar occultations and thermal observations (invited talk; PSS; pdf)
- What is Bienor hiding in its photometric behaviour? (talk; EFV; pdf)
- Measuring sense of rotation of V-type asteroids outside the Vesta family (talk; DO; pdf)
- Shape uncertainty of asteroid models from inversion techniques (talk; PB; pdf)
- Ryugu: 15 months to showdown (talk; TM; pdf)
- Updated asteroid diameters and albedos from AKARI/IRC mid-infrared data (poster; VAL; pdf)
- Photometry of asteroids in crowded star fields in SBNAF project (poster; MBB; pdf)
- Results from stellar occultations by trans-Neptunian object (84922) 2003 VS2 (poster; PSS; pdf)
- 2008 OG19: A Varuna-like trans-Neptunian object? (poster; EFV; pdf)
- Debiasing asteroid spins and shapes - observations, modeling, and validation (poster; AM; pdf)
- Asteroid shape reconstruction from radar echo images (poster; GD; pdf)
- First Results from "Small Bodies Near and Far (SBNAF)": A benchmark study for the characterization of asteroids and TNOs (poster; TM; pdf)
- Small Bodies: Near and Far (SBNAF) (pdf, RD)
- Physical characteristics of Centaurs and trans-Neptunian objects from combined K2 and Herschel observations (pdf, CK)
- Asteroid spin and shape modelling using two lightcurve inversion methods (pdf, AM)
- Gaia-GOSA: An interactive service for coordination of asteroid observation campaigns (pdf, TSR)
- Properties of resonant trans-Neptunian objects based on Herschel Space Observatory data (pdf, ATF)
- Uncertainty maps for asteroid shape and pole solutions (pdf, PB)
- Shaping Asteroid with Genetic Evolution (SAGE) using lightcurve and radar data (pdf, GD)
- K2 and Herschel/PACS photometry of irregular satellites (pdf, AP)
- The moon of the large Kuiper-belt object 2007 OR10 (pdf, GM)
- Photometry of Main Belt and Trojan asteroids with K2 (pdf, GS)
- Thermal inertia as an indicator of rockiness variegation on near-Earth asteroid surfaces (pdf, VAL)
- Abstract: Small bodies: Near and Far (SBNAF) (pdf)
- Binaries in the Trans-Neptunian population (pdf)
- Update on SAGE algorithm: uncertainty maps for asteroid shape and pole solutions (pdf)