Press releases and public articles
List with selected press releases and public articles (not complete):
- ESO Telescope Reveals What Could be the Smallest Dwarf Planet yet in the Solar System, eso1918 — Science Release, Oct. 28, 2019 (link)
- Die Erforschung des Asteroiden Ryugu: Die Beute des Wanderfalken (Physik in unserer Zeit, 5/2019(50), T. Müller; pdf)
- Spring on Pluto: an analysis over 30 years (l'Observatoire de Paris; May 10, 2019; with SBNAF participation; link)
- Meteorit an Bord: Der Astrophysiker (German & English) (BMW in collaboration with MPE, Mar 2019)
- The complex dynamics of the miniature ring systems of the Solar System: English & Spanish (IAA/CSIC, Nov 19, 2018)
- World-wide press coverage of the Ring paper in Nature Astronomy: No solo los gigantes gaseosos tienen anillos (hipertextual, Nov 20, 2018); Explicación a los anillos que rodean pequeños planetoides (europa press, Nov 19, 2018); La compleja dinámica de los anillos en miniatura del sistema solar (SINC, Nov 20, 2018); La dynamique » agitée « des anneaux miniatures du Système solaire (l'Observatoire de Paris, Nov 20, 2018); Científicos hallan explicación a que objetos no planetarios tengan anillos como Saturno (elPeriódico, Nov 19, 2018); No solo los gigantes gaseosos tienen anillos (Diario Tecnología, Nov 20, 2018); Odd bodies, rapid spins keep cosmic rings close (Phys.Org & Science Daily (Nov 19, 2018), and many more
- Guiños estelares desde los confines del Sistema Solar por Pablo Santos Sanz (IAA), in Informatión y Actualidad Astronómica, No. 56, Oct 2018 (link)
- The Halloween asteroid comes back: 2015TB145: un visitante del espacio… que da miedo (Qwerty Radio; 31 Oct 2018); El asteroide de Halloween vuelve a su cita con la Tierra (SINC; 24 Oct 2018); A Skull-Shaped “Halloween Asteroid” Will Zoom By Earth In November 2018 (Bustle; Oct 2018); El asteroide Halloween vuelve a visitar la Tierra (National Geographics España; 26 Oct 2018) (links)
- Surface Properties Of Asteroids (Science Trends, Aug 2018; link)
- Ein Wanderfalke im Königreich Ryugu (Sterne und Weltraum, Juli 2018; pdf)
- Asteroidenmission Hayabusa 2: Unterwegs zum Asteroiden (Radiostation BR; interview with TM)
- NEOWISE Thermal Data Reveal Surface Properties of Over 100 Asteroids (NASA-JPL Press Release on Jun 1, 2018, based on Hanuš et al. 2018 with SBNAF acknowledgement)
- Das Zentrum der Asteroiden-Elite (Campusspiegel, Interview about MIAPP Asteroid Workshop, June 2018; pdf)
- José L. Ortiz recibe el premio Vanguardia de la Ciencia (La Vanguardia, April 10, 2018; link): JLO recibe el galardón de manos de G. Ramón-Cortés (jpg): Ha descubierto que los planetas enanos pueden tener anillos
- La astronomía gana por primera vez el premio Vanguardia de la Ciencia (JLO & team received the "National Vanguardia Award 2018" for the discovery of the Haumea ring; link)
- Hayabusa2 has detected Ryugu! (JAXA Press release 03/2018; TM participation; link)
- Chasing a stellar flash with assistance from Gaia (ESA Press release 03/2018; SBNAF team participation; link)
- Haumea, el más extraño de los compañeros de Plutón, tiene anillo (Infromación y Actualidad Astronómica, Revista de IAA 2/2018; pdf)
- Haumea: Überraschung mit Ring (Regiomontanus Bote, 1/2018; TM; pdf)
- Der nimmermüde Flugfels: Oumuamua liefert spannende Erkenntnisse über Asteroiden (pdf), Interview on SBNAF topics, Campus Spiegel 12/2017 (TM)
- Elörelépés a kisbolygókutatásban - Small Bodies Near and Far: ismeretanyagbövítés a Naprendszerben keringö kiségitestekröl, interview with CK in Hungarian (link; Nov 2017)
- ESA image of the week: Gaia-GOSA Service: Short article about Gaia-GOSA and the Gaia perturbers campaign within the SBNAF project (link; 24 Nov 2017)
- The Halloween asteroid: El asteroide de Halloween prepara su regreso en 2018 (SINC, La ciencia es noticia, from Oct 31, 2017; link) & The Halloween asteroid prepares to return in 2018 (SINC, La ciencia es noticia, from Dec 19, 2017; link)
- Haumea of the Outer Solar System (NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day APOD from Oct 17, 2017; link)
- Astronomers discover ring around dwarf planet Haumea (HORIZON, The EU research & Innovation Magazine, 11 Oct 2017; link)
- Haumea, the most peculiar of Pluto companions, has a ring around it (Instituto de Astrofisíca de Andalucía, IAA-CSIC; 11 Oct 2017; English/Spanish; link)
- Ring around a dwarf planet detected (MPE/MPG press release; Oct 12, 2017; English/German; link)
- Haumea - the first dwarf planet with rings (Institute Astronomical Observatory, Faculty of Physics Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań; Oct 12, 2017; English/Polish; link)
- World-wide press coverage of the Haumea Nature paper in many languages: The Guardian, New Scientist,, Science Magazin, Scientific American, Daily Mail, National Geographic, ABC,, The Verge, Science alert, Universe Today,, Metro/UK, Arab News,, Ghana Nation, GIZMODO, YouTube, Europa Press, Agenia SINC, El País, El Mundo, ABC/Spain, La Vanguardia, El Confidencial, Milenio, Canal Sur (minuto 11:22), iVoox, Nauka w Polsce,, DAN TRI, Vietnam, Twitter (Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science & Innovation), Academic Film Studio of AMU, Poland, etc.
- Not the mother of meteorites (ESO Press Release; June 19, 2017; link)
- Hubble Spots Moon Around Third Largest Dwarf Planet (NASA, Hubble press release May 18, 2017; link)
- New asteroids named to honour astronomers from Poznań: group picture (jpg) & press release & Poznańscy astronomowie mają swoje planetoidy! (link) & Kolejne planetoidy oznaczone nazwiskami astronomów z UAM (link)
- Meteoroides, Meteoros Y Meteoritos, Cómo se diferencian? (Revista de divulgación científica: Ciencia para todos los Públicos (Mar 2017); pdf)
- TNO 2016 BP81 discovery in Kepler-K2 data (A. Pál; link to MPS 749584 from Dec 11, 2016)
- NEA 2015 BO519 discovery in Kepler-K2 data (A. Pál; link to MPS 747529 from Dec 5, 2016)
- Kepler has caught hundreds of asteroids (, Oct-24, 2016; link)
- Big Kuiper Object 2007 OR10 Has a Moon (Sky&Telescope Oct. 21, 2016; link)
- 2007 OR10 has a moon! (DPS/EPSC conference news, Oct. 19, 2016; link)
- Plutón, Plutón ..., Quién te ha visto y quién te ve (Información Actualidad Astronómica,, Oct. 2016; pdf)
- Radarkarte eines Asteroiden (Sterne & Weltraum, SuW 08/2016, Expert Answer)
- 2007 OR10: Largest Unnamed World in the Solar System (NASA JPL News May 11, 2016): combined Kepler & Herschel & ground-based data (WP6 related)